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Men's Basketball - Pacific-10 (2006-2007)

Conf. RPI Rank: 3    Conf. SOS Rank: 3

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Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
Rankings update every 5 mins.
Last updated - Sun Mar 11 22:55:06 PST 2007      Switch to Power Ratings

RPI Rk Pacific-10 Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
Down 1 From Last WeekUCLA 15-4  25-5 0.6612 8  0.5947
Down 1 From Last Week14 Arizona 11-8  20-10 0.6241 2  0.6191
Up 7 From Last Week21 Oregon 14-7  26-7 0.6107 64  0.5505
Up 1 From Last Week26 Washington St. 14-6  25-7 0.6005 89  0.5372
Up 14 From Last WeekUp 14 From Last Week40 USC 13-8  23-11 0.5874 42  0.5649
Down 10 From Last WeekDown 10 From Last Week67 Stanford 10-9  18-12 0.5685 35  0.5690
Up 13 From Last WeekUp 13 From Last Week78 California 8-13  16-17 0.5560 13  0.5848
Down 9 From Last Week84 Washington 9-11  19-13 0.5535 65  0.5505
Down 19 From Last WeekDown 19 From Last Week201 Oregon St. 3-16  10-21 0.4766 79  0.5428
Down 10 From Last WeekDown 10 From Last Week222 Arizona St. 2-17  7-22 0.4629 55  0.5564

2005-2006 Pacific-10 standings

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