RPI and Power Rating FAQs

1.  RPI Rating FAQs

1.1 What is RPI?

The Ratings Percentage Index, or RPI, is a formula used by the NCAA to help determine which teams go to post-season tournaments and how they are seeded. The NCAA does not release an official RPI calculation during the regular season.

1.2 What is the basic algorithm for calculating RPIs?

A team's RPI is a sum of three values: 25% of the team's winning percentage, 50% of its opponents' average winning percentage (strength of schedule), and 25% of its opponents' opponents' average winning percentage (opponents' strength of schedule). Only results against teams which are in NCAA Division I are counted in all of these winning percentages.

On December 2004, NCAA changed the way it calculates the RPI, giving more weight to playing and winning games on the road. They announced that the new formula will still use the 25-50-25 ratio as it has since 1994, but that all road wins are treated as 1.4 wins, all road losses are treated as 0.6 losses, all home wins are worth 0.6 wins and all home losses are valued at 1.4 losses. Games in neutral sites still counts as 1. We quickly made the corresponding adjustment one week after the announcement.

1.3 What is Strength Of Schedule (SOS)

The Strength Of Schedule (SOS) as measured by RPI is given by 2/3 times a team's opponents' winning percentage plus 1/3 times their opponents' opponents' winning percentage.

1.4 Does the NCAA perform adjustments to the basic formula?

Yes. They normally have their own secret adjustments. Basically, it's a system of bonuses and penalties. Teams gain credits for beating top 50 RPI teams and for scheduling 50 percent of their non-conference games against top 50 opponents. Teams receive penalties for losing to non-Division I teams, or lossing to weak teams (150 or below) and for scheduling 50 percent of the non-conference schedule against weak teams. We also perform similar adjustments.

1.5 How can you folks provide Real Time RPIs?

We have a dedicated staff monitoring all college games/schedule and perform comprehensive analysis. All info is updated every 5 mins.

1.6 Are data provided here official NCAA calculations?

No. These are not official NCAA calculations. RealTimeRPI.com is not affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

1.7 How accurate are your results comparing to the official NCAA calculations?

Should be very accurate, subject to game data errors which are rare but occur occasionally. In addition, minor discrepancies may exist if the NCAA and RTR have different definitions for certain neutral games.

1.8 Do you update your rpi ratings during the NCAA tournament?

No, we don't update the rpi ratings during the NCAA tournament. However, our RTR college basketball power ratings will continue update until the end of college basketball season.

1.9 Why my team's record is not right?

First of all, please note only games vs Division I are included (99% of the time, fans send us questions about this issue), If the record is still wrong, please Contact US immediately.

2. RTR Power Rating FAQs

2.1 Tell me something about RTR Power Ratings?

* RTR Power Rating System uses a much more complicated statistical model    compare to the RPI ratings.

* It aims to address issues that exist in the RPI calculations, especially in the    early season.

* RTR Power Ratings intend to determine individual teams' true potential and    strength.

* The power ratings might not be the best indicators of winning and losing. We    intend to build a separate prediction model for game outcomes in the future.

2.2 What factors go into power ratings?

* The most important factors determining a team's rating are its winning    percentage and strength of schedule.

* However, many other factors are also included, for example, winning margins,    scores, oppenents' strength of schedule, quality wins, results for the most recent games, etc...

* For preseason or early season ratings, a team's last season performance is    partially considered.

* The exact formula might be different for different sports

* Our power rating system is consistently fine-tuned in order to achieve the best    results.


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