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Men's Basketball - Independents (2006-2007)

Conf. RPI Rank: 31    Conf. SOS Rank: 28

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Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
Rankings update every 5 mins.
Last updated - Sun Mar 11 22:55:06 PST 2007      Switch to Power Ratings

RPI Rk Independents Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
132 Utah Valley St. 12-1  20-7 0.5146 324  0.4241
Down 3 From Last Week160 North Dakota St 10-2  16-8 0.4954 328  0.4187
213 Chicago St. 0-0  7-20 0.4695 134  0.5071
Down 5 From Last Week249 IPFW 6-4  9-17 0.4476 221  0.4711
Down 1 From Last Week291 Savannah St. 2-0  8-18 0.4211 233  0.4663
Down 8 From Last Week297 Texas Pan Amer. 4-6  10-15 0.4177 332  0.4166
308 Longwood 0-5  7-22 0.4051 260  0.4589
315 UC Davis 0-2  5-23 0.3988 196  0.4790
Up 4 From Last Week327 South Dakota St 1-8  5-24 0.3710 309  0.4371
Down 1 From Last Week305 Winston-Salem 0-2  2-24 0.4104 146  0.5014
Down 2 From Last Week331 N.J.I.T. 3-9  5-24 0.3642 321  0.4271

2005-2006 Independents standings

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