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Women's Basketball - Independents (2005-2006)
Conf. RPI Rank: 30    Conf. SOS Rank: 28

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Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
Rankings update every 5 mins.
Last updated - Tue Mar 14 06:26:47 PST 2006

Independents Conf All RPI Rk RPI SOS Rk SOS
South Dakota St 7-0  17-997  0.5349 239  0.4660
Texas A&M C.C. 6-5  14-12157  0.4999 215  0.4730
UC Davis 0-0  15-12217  0.4593 322  0.4207
Northern Colorado 4-2  10-15232  0.4514 251  0.4627
North Dakota St 1-6  6-16278  0.4257 208  0.4745
IPFW 4-5  5-21291  0.4131 137  0.5002
Utah Valley St. 4-3  9-16305  0.3882 324  0.4173
Texas Pan Amer. 2-7  4-21322  0.3685 290  0.4460
Savannah St. 0-0  2-24331  0.3264 330  0.4095
Longwood 0-0  0-0332  0.0000 334  0.0000

2004-2005 Independents standings

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