Men's College Football - Scouting Report (2023-2024)
Oklahoma Oklahoma Sooners at Texas Texas Longhorns on 10-07

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Only games against Division I opponents are counted.

      Real Time Power Ratingsvip

Oklahoma (13) at Texas (8)
Record 10-3 12-2
Conf Record 4-2 7-1
Home Record 6 - 0 7 - 1
Netural Record 0 - 1 0 - 1
Road Record 4 - 2 5 - 0
Power Rating 0.3946 0.4396
Power Rating RANK 13 8
SOS 0.5525 0.5809
Average points per game 41.69 35.79
Average points give up per game 23.46 18.93

RealTimeRPI GAMER - Game Prediction Analysis

GAMER Score Prediction: Oklahoma 23Texas 36
GAMER Likely Score Range (68% chance):13 ~ 3325 ~ 47
GAMER Winning Probability:26.4%73.6 %
GAMER Winning Odds:1 to 2.82.8 to 1

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