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Women's Basketball - Independents (2009-2010)

Conf. RPI Rank: 32    Conf. SOS Rank: 30

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
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Last updated - Mon Mar 15 13:30:20 PDT 2010

      View Power Ratings       View Real Time RPIsvip
RPI Rk Independents Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
195 North Dakota 14-1  16-13 0.4830 278  0.4554
220 CSU Bakersfield 3-0  16-11 0.4670 326  0.4314
248 Longwood 2-2  9-18 0.4479 197  0.4817
259 Bryant 0-0  13-17 0.4421 268  0.4585
284 N.C. Central 6-0  10-18 0.4257 315  0.4379
288 SIU-Edwardsville 0-1  5-20 0.4234 131  0.5064
294 Texas Pan Amer. 9-5  11-17 0.4199 336  0.4175
296 South Dakota 9-9  11-16 0.4187 342  0.4078
312 Chicago St. 7-7  11-19 0.4059 329  0.4240
317 Seattle 2-7  4-23 0.3970 186  0.4867
323 N.J.I.T. 6-8  11-18 0.3923 340  0.4100
330 Savannah St. 1-3  6-20 0.3774 319  0.4353
339 Utah Valley 6-11  7-22 0.3547 343  0.4020
341 Winston-Salem 0-1  2-28 0.3505 306  0.4439
345 Houston Baptist 1-13  1-25 0.3323 318  0.4357

2008-2009 Independents standings

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